The Vida Da Mayor initiative, in collaboration with 63 social movements and trade unions, celebrated last May in Donostia the week of social struggles. The public building number 6 of Idiakez Street was occupied and, as indicated at the time of its occupation, a week later the occupation was terminated. The trial was scheduled for Tuesday morning and since the dynamics he has been called to show solidarity on the street and denounce the trial.
During the occupation, one morning agents of the Ertzaintza went to the headquarters and identified a person as responsible for it. However, the Ertzaines who identified this person and performed the arrest have not come to testify at the trial, as they have not been called. For this reason, Judge María José Rúa Portu has postponed the trial one week after the judgment was held.
The complaint against the occupation was filed by the provincial director of Monetary Surveillance of the Social Security. However, it has been the secretary himself who has come to testify at the trial. He acknowledges that the building was unoccupied and had no use. The argument put forward to justify this situation was that it was in the process of auctioning and that authorisations to transfer certain plants to local authorities made it difficult to sell.
The attorney for the member of the Vida Da Mayor initiative being tried has stated that this occupation was collective, within a week of initiatives, and that they intend to individualize the collective responsibility by attributing the occupation to a single member absent one morning. In this regard, he stressed that this was a "temporary occupation" and that this judgment "makes no sense". The lawyer has asked the provincial secretary of Monetary Surveillance of the Social Security who has declared as a whistleblower why the administrative procedure for these cases was not opened and why criminal proceedings were resorted to.
The defendants have requested that the trial be held in Euskera, and have interviewed the translator of the work.
Munduko Turismo Erakundeak Donostian egin zuen bilkuraren atarian, herri mugimendu eta hainbat sindikatuko kideek Ertzaintzak erabilitako bortizkeria salatu zuten prentsaurre bidez. Bada, Eusko Jaurlaritzako Segurtasun Sailak Mozal Legea aplikatu die hizlariei. Zigortuek... [+]
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Galderak, herritarrei hitza ukatzen dieten agintarientzat
#BizitzaDaHandiena kanpainaren barruan, Donostiako erdiguneko 100 edukiontzi zigilatu ditu Erraustegiaren Aurkako Mugimenduak, errefusaren edukiontziotan hondakinak uzten dituzten auzotarrak informatzeko oharrak ipiniz.
Maiatzaren 19tik 26ra Donostiako kaleetara ateratzeko dei egin du Bizitza da Handiena kanpainak. "Agintetik aurrera eramaten ari diren herritarron aurkako politiken aurka" eta "herritarron kapitalaren alde" egitea du helburu, eta hainbat sindikatu eta herri... [+]