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Argazkia: Tontantravel, CC BY-SA 2.0.

11 March 2024 - 06:28
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

In an excavation from the Roman city of Pompeii there was a turtle, a Roman turtle. It was not the pet of a Roman, but a turtle that lived in Pompeii, which was unfortunately covered with lava after the explosion of Vesuvius. Because it was hard to escape running.

The truth is that the news is silly, just a curiosity, but I think that turtle helps us to better imagine the landscape of Pompeii and shows us that these men and women did not live alone. Because, like that Pompean turtle, many other wild animals would walk through the streets: costumes, birds, mice, cats, and a lot of animals that we don't imagine. Like today. That is, above us, below us, there is life, and the drawing of life, the painting of the time, is much bigger, much more colorful and has many details.

I heard a biologist say, "If you see Gasteiz on a map, the green areas entering the city look venous."

In the painting of Vitoria, for example, the landscape is especially colorful and important. A while ago, I heard a biologist say, “If you see Gasteiz on a map, the green areas entering the city seem to be coming.” That is, the green surrounds Vitoria-Gasteiz, from where several steps are taken to the heart of the city. This green city is not a simple slogan, these veins have trees, shrubs, plants, colorful flowers -- and a lifetime.

To love and care for all of this, you certainly need to know a little. You have to know that he is there. And for that I invite you to look up -- yeah, there are pigeons, we know them, but those black birds? What are they grouped together, often in the antennas, or on the rooftops of the house? Scratches, of course. And haven't you noticed that in the last few weeks, the desire has started to warm up? You may have heard a repetitive and powerful sound, similar to the txirula. Well, it's a worm carbonero looking for a mate. And in my neighborhood, the mics have also started to nest quickly -- I see them busy!

OK, now let's look down. Have you seen weeds? ai, love, have started to take color, very little by little... and soon the bumblebees will arrive! Yeah, they all look the same, but if you're careful, you'll realize they're very varied, many families, different colors. We're also approached by some butterflies who are very interested in the green areas that we leave in the cities.

Once your eyes are extended, don't you think that beautiful green Gasteiz? It's not just beautiful, it's essential. Remember that our biodiversity is like venous blood. The charcoal has come to our window, has eaten the food we have given it and has gone courageous to Salburua Park, and there, alas! The falcon has hunted -- then the falcon will go into the forest looking for a quiet place, will it put its nest there? All those tiny, tiny, invisible actions full of life, how it pumps the world's blood, discreet, modest, and slow, like the Pompeii turtle march.

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