The internationalist organization of Euskal Herria Askapena will organize the “Vive Solidaridad Internationalista” conference on June 11, 12 and 13 in Hernani. A number of conferences and workshops will be held between Friday and Sunday, in which international activists and activists will be involved in addition to the members of the association.
The eight conferences organized will be held at the Casa de Cultura Biteri and the Tilos. Many of them will be offered in workshop format. On Sunday there will be the fair and occupation of agents and craftsmen and a thematic tour to capture the world that is built behind it. All activities are available on the schedule of the day.
The rapporteurs will be the bodies that will discuss the international situation and its spokesmen. Mikaela Nhondo Erscoz, member of the Panafricanism Today association, Bolivia's militant Rene Behoteguy, Jason Kostopoulos of the KOE organization of Greece, José Manzaneda of Euskadi-Cuba and Milagros Acea, pro-Saharawi activist Garazi Hach Embar are some of them.
As explained to us by Izaskun Goienetxea, a member of Askapena, the objectives of the day will be “to raise the need for internationalism” and “to reflect on its values”. The event will discuss the bases of internationalism and analyze how they can act in the emancipation process of Euskal Herria.
On the other hand, Goienetxea has explained that it is important to promote direct participation, and that the partnership wants to give priority to presence. Although the day will not be able to continue live on streaming, the conferences will be recorded and broadcast afterwards.
To register for the “Solidarity Internationalista Bizi” conference, you can access the website of the association. In total, there are 110 seats.
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Internazionalismoak "herrion askapen nazional eta sozialean" daukan garrantzia mahai gainean jartzeko eta udagorritzen daramaten urteek "etenik izan ez dezaten", bueltan dira brigadak bi urteren ostean, 35 urte udagorritzen! lelopean.