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Moroccan women who will go to military service will be tested for virginity

  • The Moroccan Council of Ministers enacted the Military Service Act last week. According to this, military service is compulsory for 12 months for young people between the ages of 19 and 25. As soon as they go to military service, they'll have the women do the virginity test.

31 August 2018 - 13:13
Marokoko armada

As they do in other Muslim countries, the Government has decided to test the virginity of women who will go to military service. In addition, if the woman is not a virgin, she will be notified to her family so that “she cannot be told that she has been raped in military service.”

More than 10,000 young Moroccans have joined a Facebook group against military service. It is alleged that this is a decision taken by the Government of Rabat without discussion or dialogue. Abdelah Nizar, founder of the anti-military Facebook group, told EFE that the law has been implemented with the intention of dominating young people critical of the social, political and economic situation. He added that the measure taken is “the result of a lack of democracy.”

In 1966, the Moroccan Military Service Act came into force for the first time, following the uprising of left-wing youth in Casablanca.

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