Aware of the need to build the fighting community and the revolution, the Reappropriation Collective has been organized to destroy the “domination of capital”: “We speak of collective, because we are organized, before any individualistic alternative, because we place solidarity at the center of our practice”, have added and defend the idea of “collective property”, because “they decide collectively” the use and management of recovered spaces and resources.
As for the functions, they have made it clear that “filling the gaps” of the institutions is not their task, nor the demand for “simple rights”: “Our mission is to ensure the necessary elements for sustainability through self-organisation and self-management. Based on the studies and experiences of recent years, we have decided to focus on the practice of occupation, promoting the socialization of this practice in a broader sector and advancing the defensive capacity of any collectivized space”.
The Office of the Occupation will be set up to share the technical and legal expertise necessary for the collective regeneration of private property: “We will offer our support to anyone who needs a house and is willing to work collectively. In the context of the capitalist crisis, the tool of occupation has become more necessary than ever”.
The collective’s goal is to “extend the occupation to social areas that do not normally arrive” to improve living conditions in a “real” way: “Starting from the idea that those of us oppressed by the capitalist system, we form a community of interests, we want to create an infrastructure of solidarity that collectively meets the needs of our lives, starting with housing”.
This news was posted by Topatu and we brought it to ARGIA thanks to the CC-by-sa license.