The People ' s House of Biriatu has launched a line of food sovereignty and, for the second consecutive year, has organized a Tree Festival and has produced a very rich programme.
A Biodiversity Round Table will be held at 17:00 with the participation of the following associations: Xomorro, Ereinez, Ainitza and the forest that runs.
Then there will be a choice of food and drink.
At the end of the day, at 20:30 a.m., Sagartza, Jakoba Errekondo and the Cofradía de Sidreros del Bidasoa will offer a talk about the apple.
The day will begin at 10:00 in the morning with the activity “Who is in the forest?” by the hand of the Xomorro association.
On the street, the travelling puppet Birincredible will be in charge of putting humor to the work.
At noon, Sandra Lucu will offer a basket workshop. At noon the film “Boti au coeur de la nature” will also be screened and a colloquium will then be held.
You will be able to eat with the dishes prepared in it, and after eating you will be able to enjoy two other activities: a tincture workshop with plants at 14:00 by Marléne Concaret and a landart workshop of the tree guards at 15:30 in the afternoon.
At 16:00, you will be able to listen to music and stories about plants, and the day will be closed with a botanical tour from 16:30.
To learn more, listen to the interview with Audrey Hoc and Aimar Rodríguez in Antxeta Irratia.
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