The Letter of Social Rights of the Basque Country, EH Capitalari, Planta and Saltos Ecosociales, among others, have called the manfiestation. Environmental, social and trade union agents of the Basque Country depart from the Elliptical Plaza of Bilbao.
They denounce that the climate meeting is part of the energy lobbies strategy and aims to create a "green business niche".
AEBek hasitako inportazioen aurkako gerra komertzialak eragin ditzakeen arriskuaz ohartarazi du Munduko Bankuak
Robotak, terrorismoa, migrazioak edota desoreka sozialak izango dituzte hizpide Davoseko (Suitza) eski estazioan bildu diren agintari politikoek, enpresariek eta Leonardo DiCaprio bezalako hainbat pertsona famatuk. Urtarrilaren 23ra bitartean egingo den Munduko Ekonomia Foroak... [+]
Banks and their poor regulation and control are primarily responsible for the current crisis. The experiences of the United States and Europe clearly show the responsibility of the banks, and the citizens confirm that belief. Criticism of the banking system in the Spanish State... [+]
Protesten artean egiten ari da G7aren bilera Alemanian. Munduko zazpi estatu boteretsuenak ari dira parte hartzen (AEB, Alemania, Kanada, Japonia, Frantzia, Erresuma Batua eta Italia).
90eko hamarkadan Pedro Sanchez PSOEko idazkari nagusiak Nazioarteko Diru Funtsarentzat eta Munduko Bankuarentzat egin zuen lan Bosnian. La Republica agerkari digitalak bere ibilbidearen errepasoa egin du.
The second part of the theme of the summit, which was recently held in Bilbao, shows the intention and the ideological foundation of the event: Spain Global Forum: Stability to growth. The troika and the most outrageous multilateral organisations have wanted to send us the... [+]
It has always been said that multinationals and lobbies defending their interests are above state governments. In short, it prevails over economic policy. And now they want to take a step further, unless the free market agreement between the US and the EU materialises.
Already,... [+]
2014an 70 urte beteko dituzte Nazioarteko Diru Funtsak (NDF) eta Munduko Bankuak (MB). Zientzia politikoetan doktore Eric Toussant-ek bi erakundeen historia laburbildu du 30 puntutan, eta nazioarteko arkitektura berri baterako alternatibak eskaini ditu, Viento Sur agerkariak... [+]