This boat with the flag of Saudi Arabia is not new in Basque waters. Two years ago we heard about this boat. In March 2017 it was reported that weapons were being sent from Bilbao to Saudi Arabia, and a little more than a year later there was an attempt to load weapons. Great protests took place in the port of Bilbao, including the Greenpeace organization, which ended with the flight of the boat, which was carried out outdoors.
This time the boat is in the same state. The collective "war starts here" has denounced that weapons will be used in the Yemen war, which he has already described. In this war there are already more than 200,000 deaths, half of them children.
The "war starts here" group has stressed that the port of Bilbao and the institutions "have the blessing of violating human rights" and that they will continue to fight to achieve the same result as two years ago.
In mid-January, the Cedarras Forum presented the report Euskadi and the European Union, the shared destiny of prosperity and competitiveness. It contains recommendations for the PPAs, taking as a reference the reports submitted by Draghi and Letta for the European Union.
Based... [+]
Pilar Calcada is part of the Cedars group. On January 15th, the group called to take advantage of the “excellent opportunity” that will exist in the coming years to boost the arms industry, in an ostentatious event that resonated a lot. According to the study of the... [+]
On January 15, the techno-business lobby called Cedarios presented its 6th report, Euskadi and the European Union, the shared destiny of prosperity and competitiveness. This neoliberal Think Tank, made up of eminent experts drawn from the world of finance, presented a magical... [+]
Lehen aldia da Hego Euskal Herriko euskal gehiengo sindikalak armagintza industriaren moldaketaz taldean eta modu publikoan hitz egiten duena. Aurreko hilabeteotan mugimendu antimilitaristak bilera bana egin du lau sindikatuokin, produkzio militarra “sozialki... [+]
Armagintzaren “moldaketa eraldatzailerako” proposamena publiko egin berri du mugimendu antimilitaristak. Conversión de la industria militar en Euskal Herria para no fabricar más guerras (Armagintza industriaren moldaketa Euskal Herrian, gerra gehiago ez... [+]
On 26 December, during an air strike, the Israeli Army killed five Palestinian journalists trying to reach the city. They killed 130 Palestinian journalists. This news has reminded me of a couple of things, the first, the persecution of true journalists in any part of the world,... [+]