Nelson David Moreno was prosecuted in 2022 for the murder in Bilbao of at least five gay men and for the attempted murder of two other men. On Monday, 21 October, the second trial against Moreno began. He will be tried for a crime of scam, charged with a crime of theft from victims of sexual abuse. The Gehitu association has called for clarification of the sentence for the murders that were committed.
According to EiTB, the alleged murderer has been charged with stealing 8,000 euros from one of the men who found the corpse in Bilbao in 2021. The Prosecutor's Office has called for a three-year prison sentence for the man on charges of murder. For its part, the particular indictment, which the victim’s family exercises, calls for 9 years and 11 months in prison for crimes of theft with violence, continued scam and computer fraud. Discrimination based on sexual orientation has added to this.
Two years ago, the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country sentenced the defendant to ten years in prison, but the case was provisionally filed. The association of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans and intersexuals of the Basque Country Herria, Gehitu, presented a request to reopen the case. He argued that there had been no effective investigation into the murder.
For their part, Gehitu, the Basque Observatory of the LGBTI and the private accusation have called for the suspension of the trial for scam and have announced that this new trial will enable the suffering of the victims to be deepened. For its part, the Constitutional Court has demanded the reopening of the murder case and the non-repetition of the trial until a decision is taken, claiming that direct and indirect victims "deserve due respect".
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