A eviction took place this Tuesday morning in the Casco Viejo de Bilbao (Bizkaia) in which police forces and a judicial courtroom took part to evict three young people. Several people have been heading to the Artekale area since the first hour of the morning to protest the eviction.
As reported by the Housing Union (AZET), there have been "moments of tension" between concentrates and police officers. A member of the union has been arrested by the officers of the Pamplona Municipal Police.
Auzoan Bizi Etxebizitza Sareak salatu du Berakah programa beste bi familia etxegabetzen saiatzen ari dela, iaz beste familia batekin egin zuen bezala. Dagoeneko salatutako hauetaz gain, Berakahko kasu gehiago ari dira heltzen etxebizitza sarera. Berakah programa Santa... [+]