The agent, who has requested the documentation, has told Zarraga that he made statements of severity and that his attitude was obstructive, “perhaps because the agent was a woman”.
The director of the Bilbao Municipal Police, Observatory of Linguistic Rights Behatokia, has denounced the harsh and unfair tone with which he wrote. He considered the assessments made about the citizen to be inadequate. The Observatory has pointed out that this event is not isolated in the City Hall of the Basque capital. The Observatory has shown its support for Zarraga and all those who are strong in their efforts to live in Basque.
Arkaitz Zarraga, a victim of a violation of linguistic rights, has received a letter on behalf of the head of the Municipal Police after filing a complaint in the City Hall and although he has not made public all the paper has hung a number of fragments on Twitter.
Here is the tweet made by Zarraga:
#Konpartsak, remember I was told that two fines were coming to me? For Mr #juanmariaburto has said that I am lying and that the problem was my “machista” attitude, in full, and the next day the City Hall’s written answer to my complaint has arrived. Horrible!
— Arkaitz Zarraga (@azarramendi) 1 October 2018
Next, the official response of the City Council of Bilbao.
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