Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The City of Bilbao leaves a fireman out of work for a pregnancy

  • A worker from the Fire and Rescue Service of the City Council of Bilbao, who has been working for 2 years and 3 months in the City Hall of Bilbao, is left without a contract for pregnancy. ELA calls for the immediate appointment of this worker.

18 May 2021 - 16:26

The ELA trade union, in the ARGIA Agents Square, has published this news

A few months ago, this firefighter reported that she was pregnant. Following the occupational health protocols, it is reassigned to a job adapted to its conditions, as it is pregnant. Now the contract of injunction is exhausted and although this worker will be reappointed for his position in the new contract relationship, the City Hall will follow the criteria of management of the work bags to leave them without a contract. The City Hall argues that she is pregnant and that she cannot practice as a firefighter.

He has therefore been excluded from the list of the labour market, suspended from contract and, in addition, excluded from recruitment during the remaining months during pregnancy and the successive months needed to recover after childbirth.

ELA considers that this decision by the City Council is unacceptable and completely null and void because it violates the principle of equality between men and women and the principle of equal access to public service. The City Council of Bilbao, like other institutions, has carried out a campaign to "encourage" women to enter "masculinised" jobs like the fireman's. But, more than words, the facts show that these fields are mere words.

ELA has asked the City Council of Bilbao to immediately appoint this worker. If your problem is the Stock Exchange Management Criteria, ELA, with an absolute majority, is offered to modify them. But we're afraid it's an excuse, and the truth is that there's more discrimination going on as a woman. In fact, the City Council’s interested interpretation of this regulation does not fail, and not the regulation itself.

For all these reasons, on Thursday, 20 May, at 11:00 a.m., a concentration will be held in the Aznar building of the City of Bilbao in support of the partner and in support of the real policies of equality.



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