The Human Resources area of the City of Bilbao has decided to hire the firefighter who is unemployed for pregnancy and risk during the process. This has been reported by the ELA trade union.
Following the occupational health protocols, the firefighter had to re-enter a job appropriate to his conditions, but the City of Bilbao, following the management criteria of the work bags, left him without a contract. The City Council of Bilbao argued that it cannot work as a firefighter because it is pregnant.
Now, the City Council of Bilbao has changed its attitude and, after consulting the legislation in force, has decided that it is to be hired. ELA pointed out that, although it had several meetings with the City Council of Bilbao, there was no change of attitude, the union was finally satisfied with the change of decision made by the City Council and claimed that it was "the result of union action".
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