The works of expansion of the Supersur motorway of Bilbao have not registered any confinement, the construction companies have been working and have put at risk not only the health of the workers but also that of the whole of the population. Platform No to Supersur's Enlargement has lamented the "irresponsible" situation in the country.
The day after the coronavirus crisis, the platform is clear that such projects have no place: "In the new Post COVID-19 scenario, the Supersur is not viable. It is a good time to propose new forms of mobility that respect both the most sustainable territorial development and the environment and the more climate." Remember that on 30 July 2019 the Basque Government declared the climate emergency to make the Basque Country carbon neutral. It also calls for the development of other modes of transport such as pedestrians, bicycles and public transport.
The group calls for the appropriations that are being used and intended to be used in the future to combat COVID-19: the strengthening of public health, social assistance for all people affected by the health and economic crisis and other works of greater social interest to improve the life of citizens.
The platform denounces that the works of the Supersur of Bilbao are very expensive, adding that instead of dynamizing the economy, the project "debt more public money". In fact, according to the data of the platform, each kilometre costs the population of Bizkaia EUR 47 million, to which must be added the money that has been mortgaged for the previous phase, the interest of the loans and the losses due to operating deficit: "All this will mean that over the next 20 years more than EUR 60 million will be paid a year," he added.
Cautioning that the use made is much lower than expected – reaching even 50% of what is expected and, if that were not enough, future forecasts point to even less use – the platform considers it "absurd" to spend public money on this project.
‘Ampliación Supersur Ez!’ plataformak egin du deialdia, Ingurumenaren Nazioarteko Eguna baliatuz Metropoliaren Hegoaldeko Saihesbidearen handitzearen aurka protesta egiteko.
Peñascaleko bidesaria eta Betelu artean Bilbo Hegoaldeko Saihesbidea handitzea proposatu du Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiak. “Ampliación Supersur Ez!” plataformak proiektuaren aurkako argudioak eta mobilizaziok zabaldu ditu.
Joan den astean iragarri zuen Unai Rementeria ahaldun nagusiak "Bizkaian XXI. mendean egingo den jarduketarik garrantzitsuena". Bi obra handi dira. Batetik, Ibaizabal aspitik pasako den tunela eta, bestetik, Supersur gisa ezagutzen den errepidearen luzapena. Azken lan... [+]
Getxo eta Portugalete artean tunel bat eraiki eta Bilbo Hegoaldeko saihesbidea AP-68arekin lotuko du obrak.
AHTren aurkako protestarengatik auzipetutako bederatzi lagunen artean den Xabi Jimenezekin solastatu gara protesta ekimenaz, prozesu judizialaz eta tren lasterraren aurkako borrokaren egungo egoeraz.