The Bolintxu valley lies south of Bilbao, between the Arnotegi and Pagasarri mountains. It is a valley with forests and several dwellings. In this valley lies the Buia district, as well as the Seberetxe district and palace.
The extension of the 'Supersur' motorway will pass through the valley and the environmental groups in Bilbao say that it will destroy the natural space of the area. Therefore, on 26 January they will concentrate on the Plaza del Arriaga to give way to the demonstration they have organized.
In addition, Karmela has organized a talk colloquium on the Bolintxu natural space and a projection of the documentary to begin to warm up engines of the demonstration that will leave on January 26 from the Arriaga.
This news was posted by Uriola and we brought it to ARGIA thanks to the CC-by-sa license.
AHTren aurkako protestarengatik auzipetutako bederatzi lagunen artean den Xabi Jimenezekin solastatu gara protesta ekimenaz, prozesu judizialaz eta tren lasterraren aurkako borrokaren egungo egoeraz.