The aggression took place last Sunday, when the Ertzaintza arrested a rationalized young man who was shopping in the area. According to the neighbors, the young man showed them what he was carrying inside the bag, as requested by the Ertzainas, and told them that he was nervous. The Ertzainas jumped on the wall and assaulted the young man, who was taken to the Basurto Hospital.
The mother of the young man appeared at that time, with mental problems and begging to be released please. The Ertzaines arrested the young man before the young man's father presented the papers of his illness and threw the mother to the supposedly unconscious ground. Then, the mother was also arrested.
Against this background, SOS Racism Bizkaia, ongi Etorri Errefuxiatuak, LAB, Asociación Bigite, Asociación Miniserie, AmiARte and Firekutzen have issued a statement in which they have shown their rejection of the aggression and have denounced the situation in the neighborhood.
In the communiqué, in addition to the aggression, they have denounced the threats and ill-treatment that the police inflicts on the population by the high police presence in the San Francisco neighborhood, to the neighbours who denounced violence and violence against the youth and their migrant mother.
Martxoaren 3ko Memoriala hornitzeko erabiliko dira bildutako objektuak. Ekimena ahalik eta jende gehienarengana iristeko asmoz, jardunaldiak antolatuko ditu Martxoak 3 elkarteak Gasteizko auzoetan.
Karen Daniela Ágredok dioenez, zortzi bat ordu eman zituen ziegako zoruan etzanda Ertzaintzak ospitalera eraman aurretik. Segurtasun sailburu Bingen Zupiriak berak eskatu du Eusko Legebiltzarrean agerraldia egitea.
Karen Daniela Ágredok dioenez, atxilotu zutenean berak ez zuen ertzainik zauritu, haiek lurrera bota zuten eta konortea galdu zuen. Ondoren, Ertzaintzaren komisariaren zoruan iratzartu zen eta handik ospitalera eraman zuten.