“Basque workers do not want to be complicit in the genocide,” said Amaiur Renteria, head of LAB in Ezkerraldea. They wanted to denounce "the Basque companies that are enriching themselves at the expense of the genocide and complicity they have with the genocide they suffer." Renteria has underlined that on 16 December they recorded a letter from the Port Authority of Santurtzi asking them to stop facilitating the dispatch of weapons to Israel.El International Secretary of Foreign Action,
Koldo Sáenz, has stated that the attack of the Palestinian resistance of 7 October 2023 "did not begin anything", but that it was due to "colonization".
The union has stressed that Palestine, in addition to solidarity, needs, above all, solutions. United States and the European Union has denounced support for genocide. He added that "there is hope in this barbarism" and set an example of two actions: The ship carrying weapons to Israel in the Piraeus port of Greece was intercepted by the workers and blocked at Shanon airport the aircraft transporting weapons to Israel in Ireland.
In this sense, LAB has highlighted two ideas. On the one hand, they have called on the Basque workers to "use all the pressure mechanisms at their disposal" to force Israel to comply with UN resolutions. On the other hand, they have called on the international community to implement all the mechanisms at its disposal for "a comprehensive solution that guarantees peace and justice" in Palestine, guaranteeing the right of return and self-determination of Palestinian political prisoners and refugees, to "put an end once and for all to occupation and colonization and to achieve a free Palestine".
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