On the night of August 20, the crowd met at the demonstration convened by the Feminist Movement at the Jai Gune in Bilbao, coinciding with the beginning of the Big Week. Temblad goggles! Fears with us and us! under the motto “Feminists” claimed that parties will continue to enjoy and that they will respond to the aggressions against women with feminist self-defense.
The protesters travelled from the Arriaga bridge to the Arenal area, but some of them have announced that the Moscocos were facing the txosna and denounced the launch of beverages and saliva, according to Ecuador Etxea. They criticize their chauvinist attitude.
In the note read by the Feminist Movement, she spoke directly to the swans: “Cis man, broke with rebellious covenants and complicities. Act responsibly and remove that repressive masculinity.” Also during the festivities, feminists claimed the pacification of women and called for feminist self-defense. “He took away the dirty fingers of our bodies. Remove them, or else, we will make you disappear!” They also denounced that the police do not guarantee the safety of women, and that they are re-victimized or injured.
They clearly announced that they don’t “get hooked” and that streets, bars and txosnas will also be occupied at parties.
The case of Mazan is mentioned in the French media: a woman drowned with sleeping pills by her husband to put her between the legs of other men to be raped. That for ten years and three numbers: 92 violations (at least), 72 men and 51 trial violators. Gisèle Pélicot, 72, did... [+]
A few years ago, a friend shared with me several thoughts related to digitalisation and care. This is an experienced woman, who has very internalized behaviors for a good life that her being in the world will cause the least injury. We're talking about healthy digital use: as... [+]
Zure aurrean dago pertsona hori, apur bat ozen esaten dizuna, zuri, berak ez duela feminismorik behar. Gizona izan daiteke, emakumea ere bai… Bere burua ezkertiartzat ere har dezake. Edozein dela ere, berak gauza batzuk badakizki jada, zuk baino dezente gehiago. Zu... [+]