The Workers' Self-Defence Network was recently established in Bilbao (Bizkaia). They have presented the new network as "a collective instrument to organize the struggle in solidarity"; "uniting, creating support networks, organizing to achieve victories that defend us from attacks of capital".
Thus, they have explained that their goal is "to advance the interests of the working class, from their autonomy and through the organization to increase their class awareness". The members of the self-defense network will also work to make "the struggle possible and to build the imaginary in which the struggle is the protagonist".
"There is a capitalist system in a crisis situation"
"We know that we do not live in times of crisis that are going away and coming, but that the capitalist system is in a situation of permanent crisis; and the working class suffers the restructuring led by the bourgeoisie to overcome these crises." The members of the self-defence network have placed their birth in this context: "Bilbao has also experienced the restructuring of industrial cities and has become a consumer centre, with clothing from the tourism and leisure sectors," they explained from the Consistory.
This restructuring has affected "the total precariousness of the working class's living conditions", such as "the difficulty of access to housing, the precariousness of working conditions, the destruction of solidarity and support networks, as well as greater individualism and social control". "The bourgeoisie's strategy to increase expropriated exploitation through its agents and institutions is evident: the banks, the hospitality employers, the real estate companies, or the dominant one," they added.
In this sense, they have highlighted that "we live in isolation in scattered workplaces, with poor living conditions, and have also considered that it is increasingly difficult to organize our defense". "We often feel unable to oppose this system," they say. The Bilbao Workers’ Self-Defense Network was born with the objective of reversing all this.
Presentation of the Lubaki Workers Solidarity Network last week
Last week, the Lubaki Workers’ Solidarity Network was presented in Bergara (Gipuzkoa). Lubaki will focus on "the unity of class", the "imbalance and insecurity" generated by the context of crisis, and on "mutual support". Thus, they stressed "the need for a proper network of their own".
Bizi baldintza geroz eta gordinagoek eta indibidualismoak ezaugarritzen duten jendartean, langileei beren eskubideak defendatzea zaila zaie sarri, eta sistema kapitalistari aurre egiteko ezintasun sentipena ohikoa izan ohi da. Horren aurrean, langileen autodefentsa antolatzea du... [+]
Eraginek salatu duenez, lan baldintza kaskarretan aritu dira bertako langileak: "Ez zaie zor zaiena ordaindu, tratu umiliagarria, aldi baterako kontratu faltsuak...". Igande eguerdian elkartu dira Gran Viako Foster's Hollywooden aurrean.
Larunbatean protesta egin du Donostiako Babes Sareak, Gipuzkoako Plazan dagoen 'Gogoko Goxuak' kafetegian. Hainbat langileri ez diotela ordaindu salatzen ari dira ia larunbatero egiten ari diren protestetan.