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The Comparsas de Bilbao also claim the absence of a veto in MS complaints

  • Like last week the Commission of Txosnas of Vitoria-Gasteiz, the federation of Comparsas of Bilbao has responded to the manifesto signed two weeks ago by 150 cultural agents. In it, after publicly requesting the participation of the Socialist Movement in the Comparsas de Bilbao and the Junta de Txosnas de Vitoria, Konparts defends its decision by means of a note. Basically, they have claimed their legitimacy to make decisions and the assemblies of 27 comparisons have been ratified in the majority decision. “We will never question the decisions of the comparsas and we will not accept entering them,” they point out.

10 June 2024 - 15:36
Last updated: 2024-06-11 08:56

“The Federation of Comparsas of Bilbao was born with the objective of promoting popular, participatory and diverse festivities for all the citizens. It has always been and will be a heterodox refuge of very diverse movements. In recent months, however, an internal issue of the Bilbao Comparsas has sought to question it: Accusations against the refusal of November to request Luberri to be part of the federation.” In view of this, they wanted to highlight some ideas.

On the one hand, the decision has been taken collectively in an assembly of 27 comparisons, in accordance with the procedure established by the statutes. They recall that they have predetermined procedures for approving a new comparison in the federation, agreeing on concrete steps, deadlines and conditions.

It is explained that in early 2023 the Luberri group requested access and demanded the conditions required for all new comparisons. Among them, the existence of a certain number of members that will be shown as comparsas, the adherence to the values of the Bilbao Comparsas and the “capacity to act in a plural and participatory space” of the Bilbao Federation of Comparsas. They had to demonstrate “the ability to collaborate with people who have good internal relations and opinions of all kinds,” they said.

They explain that at the annual general meeting held in November 2023, after discussing the issue in all the comparisons, they decided that “for the time being the conditions were not met”. It is reported that each comparison had its point of view and its reasons.

After informing that they would not accept them as comparsas, they state that being free to participate in any activity of the comparsas of Bilbao, they encouraged them to do so. “As agreed at that General Assembly in November, we understood that the path would be that: to know us, to share spaces, to enjoy the festivities together… And that it would be left to Luberri, if they wished, to request the incorporation to the Federation again for it to be reviewed. No request for access by Luberri has been received since the November Assembly. Instead, we immediately received an accusation of veto from them.”

When Luberri denounced them, the federation of Comparsas in Bilbao did not want to make any statement in the media. They say they've treated the issue privately, "not to fuel the conflict." However, they note that in recent weeks they have felt the need for a public response.

They deny the veto

In the manifesto published by 150 cultural agents on 28 May, reference is made to the possible veto by the Comparsas de Bilbao. The signatories include Joseba Sarrionandia, Itziar Ituño, Fermin Muguruz, Bernardo Atxaga, Mireia Gabilondo or Amets Arzallus, among others. “We absolutely deny it.”

“Approving more members in the Bilbao Comparsas is an emancipated decision of the Federation. This does not mean that there is a veto to participate in the popular festivities, we do not accept these accusations. The Comparsas de Bilbao are not just a resource to assemble a bar, there are many other possibilities and spaces to do so”, they have expanded. They point out that the federation of comparsas is the meeting point of the comparsas that support social projects of different ideology, such as feminism, Euskaltzalism, anti-specialism, anti-militarism or the comparsas of different neighborhoods. They are offended because none of the signatories came into contact with them to learn their point of view.

“Sometimes we can invent ourselves and sometimes make mistakes, but we will never accept to question our autonomy, our members’ right to make decisions and the diversity of the Federation. We are proud of our Federation that has had long discussions and that has been able to overcome the contradictions and adapt to each situation and reality,” they said they will continue to collaborate with “agents of healthy cooperation and of will and disposition”.

It is a popular movement created by the Comparsa de Bilbao in 1978 and currently composed of the following 27 comparsas, as you can see on its website: Aixeberri, Algara, Altxaporrue, Askapeña, Bizizaleak, Eguzkizaleak, Hau Pittu Hau, Hontzak, Hor dago!, Hi, Kaskagorri, Kranba! In Mecau, the Moscow, Pa...Now! Pinpilinpauxa, Bestias, Satorrak, Sinkuartel, Tintigorri, Trikimailu, Txinbotarrak, Txomin Barullo, Txori Barrote, Uribarri and Zaratas.

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