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All the new streets of Bilbao are renamed as a woman

  • Currently, only 28 out of every 900 streets in Bilbao have a female name, 3%.The plenary of the city council has taken the decision to modify the text approved by the City Council of Bilbao.

30 October 2020 - 12:56
Bilboko udaletxea. Argazkia:

Of the 900 streets of Bilbao, only 28 have a woman’s name and to change that situation, the municipal government of Bilbao (PNV-PSE) has approved a joint motion negotiated with Elkarrekin Podemos. The proposal has also been supported by EH Bildu and pp, and all the streets, plazas, avenues and other infrastructures that emerge in the city from now on will be called a woman.

Oihane Agirregoitia, PNV Councilwoman for Citizen Participation and Attention, has highlighted that eight of the 9 route designations made since 2016 have the name of a woman. As for the new streets, the mayor has said that he will accept the contributions of the citizens to name them.

EH Bildu has tabled an amendment calling for account to be taken of the "feminist movement" in the fight against violence. The training proposal includes the fact that some streets of the city have names of women killed by male violence, as a form of recognition and reparation to the victims.

"We know that this is a small step, that as a result of new urban developments it will never be possible to reflect parity in percentage terms. In any case, with this initiative we will contribute, at least in part, to avoiding the insult to women", explained Elkarrekin Podemos councilor, Carmen Muñoz.

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