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The Kafe Antzokia in Bilbao will open its doors this Thursday for the first time since the pandemic began

  • The Kafe Antzokia of Bilbao announces again with a cry: "Let's dance again," he concluded. After being closed since March last year, the doors will open on Thursday.

06 October 2021 - 10:23
Last updated: 12:44
Argazkia: Bilboko Kafe Antzokia

The Kafe Antzokia of Bilbao has closed nineteen months, after the shutter off on 12 March last year on the occasion of the pandemic. Until recently, they have not seen the possibility of reopening the theatre, without satisfying the minimum requirements for it. However, following the dissolution of the LABI and the repeal of most restrictive measures, not including those relating to time and capacity, they conclude that the requirements for reopening doors were met.

Thus, an opening ceremony will be held on Thursday under the motto "Let's Dance Again". The theater, which will be open from 22:30 to 04:30 hours, will enliven the night with music from the hand of Dj Bull. The ticket is free, but all tickets have been exhausted one hour after the announcement, as people have made reservations through the web.

You can also visit the weekend, both Friday and Saturday, from 22:30 to 06:00 hours. Tickets can be reserved on the website.



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