The Member has decided to draw up the tunnel under the Ibaizabal and has been presented at a press conference by the Deputy General of Bizkaia, Unai Rementeria, and Imanol Pradales, Member of Parliament for Infrastructure and Territorial Development. As indicated, they had the longest option of three (3,307 meters), but they have chosen the one that has the shortest path below the estuary. In particular, the tunnel will run at a height of 200 metres underwater, while for the other alternatives it would be 520 and 530 metres, respectively. In both cases, the total length of the tunnel would be about 200 metres.
Both Members have emphasised that the route has taken into account "depth, abundance of rocks and scarcity of soils, saturated soils and wastewater". It has been explained that about 200 surveys have been carried out in the tunnel to find out the ground to be built, although more studies will have to be carried out to know exactly the type of material to be excavated and the most suitable constructive method for this. According to the method chosen, the total budget of the project will range from EUR 337 million to EUR 407 million. The invitation to tender for the drafting of the construction project has been in force since today. The budget amounts to EUR 10.5 million and the awarded company will have 33 months to carry out the work. Construction is expected to be completed by 2028.
One of the characteristics of the firm, which still needs to be better understood, is that of the mud zone of Lamiako, "both from the hydrogeological and geotechnical point of view". In the words of the Representative, "it is necessary to minimize as much as possible the passage through places that can cause problems". To do this, a new "deeper than the previous" survey campaign will be carried out.
The tunnel will withdraw 14,000 vehicles daily from the Advance Road, 18,000 from the Max Center Line and 35,000 from the Rontegi Bridge, according to estimates by the Council. Specifically, from this bridge, they have explained that currently more than 140,000 vehicles circulate in the area every day. In the case of Uribe Kosta, access to the tunnel will take place in the Armur area, but drivers will not have to enter the roundabout to access the tunnel.
Drivers on the left margin will be offered three routes when they are about to reach the Armur area: Zugazarte, La Avance, and the Uribe Kosta corridor. However, they have warned that as the construction project develops, there could be changes in the exit routes.
Unai Rementeria explained that the Member's intention is that the tunnel "should not be used only for cars" and that the infrastructure should also be for other means of transport. However, they have not given much detail on this. They have announced that all possibilities are open and that the Member will be able, without further ado, to "introduce other ways of moving" within her. "To do this, we will analyse what is the best option from a social, economic and environmental point of view," added Rementeria.
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