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They present the program of Irria Kulturaldia in Bilbao, denouncing the municipal bans

  • From 25 to 29 August, Bilboko Konpartsak has prepared extensive cultural programming for all audiences. A press conference was held on Friday to present the programme, but they have denounced that the council has banned the holding of events.

20 August 2021 - 12:30
Last updated: 14:52
Argazkia: Bilbo Hiria irratia

A few days ago, Bilboko Konpartsak denounced that they had been robbed of the necessary means to organize the Irria cultural days in the Basque capital. They did not refer to material theft, but to the events that the City Hall had been prohibiting for months: "What we've been robbed of by the Bilbaites have been small acts organized by the people for sure, while what we've been robbed of by the Comparsas has been nothing material, but trust and collaboration..." In fact, since April work has been done on the organization of a popular cultural programme for the last week of August, in which they have denounced the obstacles of the municipal political leaders, who have prevented the holding of events.

At a press conference, they explained that the acts adopted by the municipal technicians were also rejected and denounced that the criteria for this were arbitrary. As an example, they have made it possible to bring together thousands of people in Miribilla and San Mamés and to hold concerts in Bilborock, but they have banned small acts in the Irriaren programme in Bilbao: "It seems that the comparisons are neither bigger nor reliable and that we do what we do, what we do, it is not worth, why and we just organize it," he added.

In response to the statements made on Thursday by the Mayor of Bilbao, Juan Mari Aburto, the comparsas wanted to make it clear that Irria is not a holiday programme, nor a non-holiday programme, but a cultural programme. They have recalled that they wanted to make an effort to improve the mood of the bilbaínos, even though they did not celebrate Aste Nagusia.

The full program can be seen on the website of Bilboko Konpartsak, including acts that have been banned.

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