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The AMPA of a public school denounces the urban business that the bishopric of Bilbao wants to carry out in the city center

  • The association of parents of the Cervantes Public School of Bilbao has denounced that the Bishopric of Bilbao wants to do business with a plot in Abando and the City Hall has supported the urban operation because it has changed the use of these lands.

29 May 2019 - 09:41
Operazio urbanistikoak guztiz hartuko luke gaur egun orubea den espazioa (irudia: AMPA Cervantes).
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The Bishopric has sold part of the plot in Abando to the company Mutualia, located between the streets of Barrainkua and Heros of the Biscay capital. It provides for the construction of the “Largest Hospital in Bizkaia”, which is expected to spend EUR 30 million.

This site is located next to the Cervantes Public School, at the height of the Magisterium University School. The initial project, as explained by the school’s parents’ association in her blog, consisted of uniting church services into a single building. With the presentation of this project, the City Council of Bilbao modified the site that the teaching equipment was authorized to become soil authorized for “other equipment”.

The association of parents has denounced that behind this movement there is an urban operation, since almost half of the right to build that the bishopric has achieved will be in the hands of Mutlaia and the constructor Murias. “In other words, the City Hall has favored the individual to accept a change of use for him to sell to a third party, thus achieving extraordinary economic benefits.”

The solar, located in the center of the controversy, has 2,033 square meters and the works will begin in August, although the AMPA has denounced that neither they nor the neighbors have information about what is going to happen. “A work of this size (eight floors and five basements) cannot be admitted through the back door without transparency, especially considering the great environmental and social impact that the project entails,” says the AMPA.

“If this project were to be built, the last opportunity in the Abando neighborhood would be lost to create a public space of proximity (less than 300 meters from the homes) and that is what the elderly and children in the surrounding area need, as well as the students of the Cervantes Public College, who do not have much space to play outdoors,” added the association of mothers and fathers.

They have announced that they will continue to mobilise against the urban operation.

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