On Sunday afternoon, Orhi Xabier and her family went to eat at the Goiko Grill restaurant in Bilbao. Orhi Xabier tells ARGIA that the food was "good" and that in the end there was an attack on the Basques when his father went to the bathroom. The Goiko Grill restaurant, which uses the formula they and they, distinguishes the male and female toilets in Spanish, and the client went to the restaurant manager to put him in Basque as well. His answer, according to Orhi Xabier, in "somewhat despicable tone" was: "If I have to put myself in Basque, I will also have to put it in German, French..."
They then reminded the head of the restaurant that the Basque language, together with Spanish, is an official language, and that this is included in the Spanish Constitution. Everything points out that this comment "altered more" and said that "the Basque is a dialect of Spanish". Orhi Javier says he felt "second-class citizen." When he got out, "hold" and "till after," everyone kept on his.
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