In this action, an attempt has been made to rise in the opposite direction to the escalator to show the daily struggle between those who have to make the effort to live in Basque. With this symbolic act, the organizers wanted to reflect the challenges faced by the use of the Basque language in Bilbao, since those who want to do so usually do so "against the current".
In addition, they wanted to recall the effort to construct and preserve the respiratory spaces for the Basque Country, valuing the work carried out over the years and the progress made. In Bilbao different spaces have been created to speak in Basque: culture, leisure, education and media, as well as spaces for hospitality and commerce in Basque. These actions in favour of the Basque Country have highlighted the contribution of the Euskaltegis network and the Euskaltzales associations to Bilbao.
Gabonetako argiak pizteko ekitaldia espainolez egin izanak, Irungo euskaldunak haserretzeaz harago, Aski Da! mugimendua abiatu zuen: herriko 40 elkarteren indarrak batuta, Irungo udal gobernuarekin bildu dira orain, alkatea eta Euskara zinegotzia tarteko, herriko eragileak... [+]
We Basques move our feet behind the witness of Korrika to proclaim that we want to survive as a Basque people in favor of our language, with the aim of the Basque Country we desire.
The tipi-tapa is the first step taken by a migrant person who leaves his homeland in Africa,... [+]
Euskaraldia comes back. Apparently, it will be in the spring of next year. They have already presented it and the truth is that it has surprised me; not Euskaraldia himself, but his motto: We'll do it by moving around.
The first time I have read or heard it, the title of the... [+]