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The Ertzaintza launches to protest the eviction of Bilbao

  • The Bilbao Housing Union has called a protest against the eviction planned for Friday morning. The Ertzaintza has twice attacked the Protestants and has already arrested one person, according to Gedar. The eviction is over.
Ertzaintzaren kargen irudia // Argazkia: Gedar

26 January 2024 - 10:29

The Bilbao Housing Union announced last week that the Bilbao City Hall was going to house a neighbor from Txurdinaga. The union has held a concentration on Julián Gaiarre Street No. 4 by Friday at 09:00.

As can be seen in Gedar’s images on social networks, the Ertzaintza has moved at 7:30 in the morning and by then they have denounced that they already had “a great prepared device”. The first charges have been when union members start to protest and the police have arrested a person who was participating in it.

Those attending the protest scream aloud “eviction cessation” but report that the Municipal Guard has proceeded to eviction by order of the City Council of Bilbao at 9:30 hours. Meanwhile, the Protestants have been launched for the second time the Ertzaintza.

The images disseminated by Gedar on social networks are:


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