The opening of the new line of the Bilbao Metro will divert train traffic to the Casco Viejo, so the Atxuri station will no longer perform its function. After concluding that the space that remains empty offers the possibility of satisfying the needs of the neighborhood, the Lokomotorak dynamic has listed the new uses that the station may cover in the near future. The proposals and ideas received will be transferred to the institutions that hold the ownership and responsibility of the train station, to take into account the voices of those living there. Facing the closure of the station, neighbors and neighbors are in favor of making the place as a neighborhood and making public use of it.
Lokomotorak is a dynamic that has been set in motion, among others, Atxuri's neighbors, the Atxurigorri association, social and neighborhood associations, as well as parents of the school. The dynamic has sought to bring together the neighbours of Atxuri, Casco Viejo, Bilbao La Vieja, La Peña and Santutxu to promote the debate on the social functions that the railway station should perform and “carry out new proposals for the future”. They have been involved in this in recent months, and they have stated that the process has succeeded in reaching many people of a different profile. All that has been collected during the process has been included in a report to be sent to the district and to the Bilbao City Hall by the end of October.
The living people who have participated in the dynamic have listed some of the possible uses that the Atxuri station can take: public library, meeting rooms and multiple uses, indoor plaza and space that the park can hold, among others. The possibility has also been put on the table that the García Rivero school, which is in spatial distress, may host a class.
Zalantza asko izan ditut, meloia ireki ala ez. Ausartuko naiz, zer demontre! Aspaldian buruan dudan gogoeta jarri nahi dut mahai gainean: ez da justua erditu den emakumearen eta beste gurasoaren baimen-iraupena bera izatea. Hobeto esanda, baimen-denbora bera izanda ere, ez... [+]
Lehen aldia da Hego Euskal Herriko euskal gehiengo sindikalak armagintza industriaren moldaketaz taldean eta modu publikoan hitz egiten duena. Aurreko hilabeteotan mugimendu antimilitaristak bilera bana egin du lau sindikatuokin, produkzio militarra “sozialki... [+]