Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Bilbao: Standing and together, we're more

  • The quote was at 12:30 in the morning between María Díaz de Haro and Calle Mayor. As we waited at the traffic light, on the other side of the street, we saw Maddalen Iriarte and Jasone Agirre waiting for them as well. In the area where we were Idoia Mendia and Patxi López. Goizalde and I looked at each other and circled half. “Where are they going to be fired?” we thought. The traffic light has turned green. We have not seen ourselves greeted, but we have been told yes, that they have been fired. Then the red light has been put and each one has gone to one side. Bego, Olatz and Josune waited for us. Together we have gone to look for a more suitable place to go to the demonstration, filling with women the margins of the roads. Shortly afterwards we will see Lander Martínez, Nagua Alba and Rosa Martínez also on the one hand.
Argazkia: Marijo Deogracias.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The head of the demonstration has started just over five minutes after its start with the giant symbol of the woman moving from the Sacred Heart to the City Hall. Very slowly. The columns of women who have left the neighborhoods have been adding up on the road and the increasingly multitudinous demonstration has slowed us down the road.

Main streets Morez. Morea in small hand and mime banners, purple cartridges, arm ribbons, necklaces, banderins, children's balloons and also in headpieces: hats, balls, headbands, headbands, ribbons, scarves of hundreds of styles... Countless purple decorations carried by women who have gathered in the streets of Bilbao. Everyone in his style, making his own, but everyone has proudly shown his clothing. Goizalde and I have not found any purple color in our closets, and Olatz has been dressed in purple by us: a beautiful wig!

Hundreds of placards as well. For those who take the streets have been joined by those who many young people have carried with their hands raised. Most of the cardboard supports, which have also changed in the demonstrations, have reduced the plastic and made a nod to the environment, the banners are biodegradable. And how stupid! That diversity: "Building feminist education," "Honor the women next to you," "If you're tired of hearing about machismo," "We are women who sow rebellion and struggle," "Forgive annoyances, but they are killing us," "I don't want to be brave, but free," "I was not born a woman, because I was a woman," "It's not a foot more," "Bilbao. Each with his words, with his claim, but all with the same cry: Long live the feminist struggle! However, it seemed to me that we have heard a few cries today. Music was heard from time to time and we noticed a batukada when we left Moiua when we arrived. Right there we've heard about six girls fluttering into the containers and screaming: "Then you'll say we're five or six!" No! We are thousands!

Young people, who have also been young everywhere today. Everyone has wanted to be protagonists, many have painted feminist symbols on the face... They were yelling, laughing, happy. And I thought that at that age, I wasn't in the demonstrations for women's rights. I have the feeling that it was a fight of a few. I didn't feel the need, I didn't know how to identify, apparently, inequality. We live, from my generation, that the fight for equality was outdated. A mistake, we thought it wasn't real. And we still have to go down the road, because there is a lot to do on the road to real equality, among other things, taking the streets, because public space is also ours; because we still, unfortunately, have to say what is so obvious. Because if we don't, nobody will do it for us.

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