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Today the Gaztetxe de Errotxapea is evicted

  • Members of the Gaztetxe de Errotxapea have denounced that on Thursday they will try to evict the building occupied since 2016. At 8:30 in the morning they will mobilize in front of the gaztetxe to protest the eviction.
Argazkia: Errotxapeako Gaztetxea

01 September 2021 - 15:10
Last updated: 17:55

In September 2016, the young people of the Madrid district of Rochapea entered an abandoned industrial building to build a gaztetxe. Since then, space has adapted and various events have been organized in it, among others. During these years it has been a space for meeting and organizing the young people of the neighborhood.

From the outset, however, three young people have been involved in judicial proceedings. In total, there have been four trials on the occupation of gaztetxe, the last in January this year. According to the judgment of the last trial, a eviction session will be held next Thursday, 2 September. Members of the Gaztetxe have denounced in recent days that the Municipal Police of Pamplona has carried out several identifications in the surroundings of the gaztetxe.

They have therefore called to mobilize, and will concentrate on Thursday at 8:30 a.m. in front of the gaztetxe.

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