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In the second round Baiona Berdea and Solidaria will not be presented with Jacobino Henri Etxeto

  • Today the vote on the left lists supported by EH BAI, Europe Ecologie, Ensemble and France Submissive took place. The vote was conclusive: 56 Etxeto, 54 for Etxeto and six blank votes.

In the last few weeks, a great deal of tension between the Baiona and Iparralde abertzales has also been revealed: The left-wing list of Baiona made up of Abertzales will not be presented with the socialist Jakobino Henri Etxeto in the second round of the local elections in Baiona. After the controversial general assembly, the members of the association decided on 30 May: They voted against the alliance 56 in favour, 54 in favour and six in blank.

Henri Etxeto, without hair in his mouth, stands against the Basque Country, the Basque Country and the peace process. In the field of ecology, the TAV is also in favour. However, some of those who were in favour of presenting it in the second round, including the leader of the Baiona Verde and Solidaria list (BBS), Jean-Claude Iriart. The goal of these was to cut off the road to Etxegarai and bring the left to power, adding up the three lists on the left, which was possible.

Seeing that the doors were open to that possibility, EH BAI conducted an internal process in the left Abertzale coalition and in the previous weeks concluded that if it were presented with BBS Etxeto would not support the list.

With Mathieu Bergé's list yes

Two other votes were held this morning by the members of the Executive. They have also voted on the presentation of Baiona Bihar, based on the second round, with the list of socialist Mathieu Bergé: 91 to 21 contrasts and four white. Of course, it will have to be seen whether this possibility is feasible in the coming days, as it will also depend on the will of Bergé’s list. Finally, in the second round they voted against 48, 49 against and 19 in favour of keeping it alone.

In the first round, held on 15 March, the candidature of Mayor Jean-René Etxegarai won 40.33% of the votes, followed by Etxeto (29.76%), the third BBS (13.12%), the fourth Bergé (11.20%) and the last far-right (5.57%). In the coming days the Baiona panorama will be realized for the second round, scheduled for 28 June.


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