Gardelegui's rubbish was burned on 5 June and it is the second Sunday that this news has been made public through the environmental group Eguzki. Eguzki warned that "the combustion of waste, and in particular the plastics of Gardelegi, can generate potentially dangerous pollutants that, in addition to generating toxic fumes and fumes, seriously damage air quality and transport particles that will sediment in the soil, water and population nuclei of the area bordering the facilities, including Vitoria-Gasteiz".
In view of the risk and the fact that it has been set on fire during the second Sunday, Eguzki has called for "the opening of a dossier to investigate the circumstances of these fires and to establish any measures necessary for the safety and health of the population".
Gardelegi landfill, of 93 hectares, collects urban and industrial waste. The 23,000 tonnes that went to the Zaldibar landfill are now deposited at the scene. It is 4 kilometers from the Plaza de la Virgen Blanca of Vitoria-Gasteiz.
Multinazionalak, errauskailuak, zabortegiak, pirolisi plantak… Honetaz eta gehiago mintzatu gara Gasteizeko Zero Zabor taldeko Iosu Aranberrirekin.