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The Court of Justice of Navarra rejects the Skolae programme for the second time

  • Without going into the contents, the court has argued “processing errors” to annul the education program on equality. The Department of Education will appeal.

29 February 2024 - 08:30

The Department of Education shall appeal the judgment of the High Court of Justice for not sharing it even if it complies with the resolution. In fact, the court has rejected for the second time the Skolae programme, which works to educate on equality. It has not been included in the content, but as it happened in 2020, it has annulled the programme on the pretext of technical errors, of processing. As was the case at the time, there was evidence of the presence within the court of judges with a high degree of Skolae.

The Court's resolution states that the procedure for implementing the Skolae programme did not produce an argumentative report on the need for the standard or a list of the rules that will be subject to it.

The Government of Navarre will appeal on the grounds that the implementation of the programme is not a law and that its justification is based on Navarre and State rules.

"I cannot understand the position adopted by the Superior Court of Justice of Navarre, although it does not go into the contents, but I am calm to learn that it has been appealed by the Department of Education", said Maria Solana, former education and parliamentary advisor to Geroa Bai in the interview in Euskalerria Irratia.

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