On October 12, the spokesman for the US National Security Commission confirmed this plan. Among others, he said: "The White House is actively working towards a secure corridor for Gaza civilians."
The origin of this plan is a plan developed by the radical Zionists in the Israeli government, as it leaked.
Egypt opposed these intentions from the outset. From the point of view of Egypt, it would be a humanitarian solution. But it would cause him a serious strategic problem, according to the blog Moon of Alabamah. Sixteen and other actors would continue to fight Israel, but Egypt would be held accountable, as the attacks would be organised from its territory.
However, the White House continued its plan. The United States Congress called for $106.000,000 billion to finance the wars in Ukraine and Gaza (on page 40). The report says: "These resources would protect displaced and conflict-affected civilians, Palestinian refugees from Gaza and the West Bank, and the potential needs of Gaza citizens fleeing to neighbouring countries."
Russia described these intentions as absurd. "It is clear that this view is absolutely dire, because if they destroy the Gaza Strip, they drive out two million people, as Israeli and international politicians are suggesting, causing a disaster that would last many decades, if not centuries," said Sergei Lavrove on 28 October.
With Russian support, the Egyptians continued against the plan until a phone call buried the plan on Sunday. Egypt's President, Abdel Fatah al-Sisi, expressed his refusal "against the policies that would condemn and collectively displace the Palestinian people".
Finally, Biden had to state publicly that he had suspended his plans for ethnic cleansing in Gaza. Write on social networks: "I have also spoken to President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi to acknowledge Egypt's declaration to facilitate humanitarian aid to Gaza. We have reaffirmed our commitment to partnership and talked about how important it is to protect the lives of civilians, to respect international humanitarian law and not to transfer Palestinians from Gaza to Egypt or another nation."
Asteburua baino lehen lau gatiburen gorpuak itzuliko ditu Hamasek. Horrela, Gazarako su-etenaren lehen faserako adostutako preso truke guztiak gauzatuko dituzte Israelek eta talde palestinarrak.
Yala Nafarroak deitutako manifestazioan 2.000 pertsona inguruk hartu dute parte eta Iruñeko hainbat kale zeharkatu ditu Gaztelu plazan amaitzeko. Azken irakurketan adierazi dutenez, "erokeria distopiko hori geldiarazi daiteke, askoz gehiago garelako kapital handiak... [+]
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