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The judge provisionally filed a complaint in the Bidegi case

  • Eight years later, one of the pieces that make up the Bidegi case, the last complaint that the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa made in its day, has been filed by the judge of the Azpeitia court. He says the complaint report "is full of mistakes." EH Bildu believes that it is intended to give a "fake closure" to the issue.
AP1 autobideko obren ordainketetan ustezko iruzur salaketa izandu oinarri Bidegi auziak. Argazkia: Gipuzkoako Aldundia

06 September 2023 - 09:26
Last updated: 14:53
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

In paying for the works on the AP1 motorway, the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa in 2015, in Bildu’s hands, filed several complaints for alleged irregularities between 2009 and 2011.

Eight years later, one of the petitions of Bidegi auzia has been filed by the Azpeitia Court of First Instruction that brings the case. Filtered to the newspaper El Diario Vasco the judge's order dated August 25.

The judge estimates a settlement of EUR 40.7 million in the Arlaban-Eskoriatza section of the AP1 motorway because he has not found "signs" of crime and says that the initial report of the Ingeotyc engineering for the complaint is "fraught with errors", according to this newspaper.

In 2016, when the Deputy went back and was already in charge of the PNV and the PSE-EE, she presented a new report in which the complaint was full of "omissions and errors" and the report of fraud "far from reality".

The judge estimates a liquidation of EUR 40.7 million in the Arlaban-Eskoriatza section of the AP1 motorway for not finding "signs" of crime

The suspicions of irregularities in AP1 payments were also observed by the Council of Álava, which executed part of the works in this territory, but the Council of Gipuzkoa took the initiative of going to the courts as a particular indictment, among which it was indicated that the measurements of the concrete used were excessively inflated.

The complaint admitted the Azpeitia courts and charged several persons, including former technical director of Bidegi, Agustín Zugasti, also declared in court by former Transport Deputy Eneko Goia, but as a witness. Subsequently, the Council of Gipuzkoa, handed over, took the opposite course and several EH Bildu offices have since continued to act as a popular indictment.

The file is provisional and can still be appealed by the popular accusation. As for the other lawsuits, there is no news at the moment.

EH Bildu: "You want to close the lawsuit falsely"

EH Bildu explained by note that filing this complaint is "falsely closing" and "depriving the citizen of the right to know the truth and to have a process with all guarantees".

He also explains that the complaint has "solid foundations" and claims that the court has refused to issue a new independent expert report.

Mendoza: "In politics, not everything goes"

The Member General of Gipuzkoa, Eider Mendoza, for his part, spoke at a press conference. He wanted to show prudence, because the resolution is provisional, but he said it is a sign of the 'good functioning and correction' of the Gipuzkoan institutions.

"In politics not everything is worth, let alone act directly against the honor of people and the credibility of the institutions, based on erroneous data and unfounded interpretations," the Guipuzkoan president stressed.

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