The deceased in an attempt to cross the Bidasoa River last Sunday was Abdoulaye Coulibaly, an 18-year-old born in Guinea Conakry. The Basque Government has made this information known through a press release. As you have explained, the young man had been in the Spanish state for three months and wanted to go to France to meet with one of his partner families in the French capital.
Coulibaly started working in the Canary Islands. The young man came to the place on May 23 in a skate where 65 people traveled. According to Noticias de Gipuzcoa, the two occupants of the boat were rescued by security forces almost two kilometers from the port of Puerto Rico. Three days after landing, the three were attended in a camp managed by the Red Cross of the working capital. The association demanded that migrants be transferred to the peninsula because they are unprotected.
After accepting the transfer, he arrived on the Coulibaly peninsula on 29 June, where he stayed for a month at a Red Cross centre in the Catalan town of Granollers. In August, however, he left and headed to Gipuzkoa. The arrested man arrived in Irun on the 5th day and was treated on the device of Iruleen Street in the Guipuzkoan capital.
On Sunday, three days later, he tried to cross the border with France. There, he planned to meet a man of his, as reported by the Cadena Ser in a statement released by the British chain. However, Coulibaly drowned in an attempt to cross the Bidasoa River. One witness looked at how the water was getting into the water and tried to rescue it. But he had to step back by strong currents. When the fire brigade arrived, they could do nothing to save the life of the 18-year-old girl.
In three months, Coulibaly is the third person killed on the border between Gipuzkoa and Lapurdi, after in April a young Eritrean committed suicide on the spot, in May, a man from Côte d'Ivoire died drowned. On 9 August, Irun hosted a massive rally to denounce the weekend’s death and to demand a change in European migration policies.
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