Almost two years later, the summit between France and Spain will be held on the 19th at the Montjuïc Palace in Barcelona, by decision of the Spanish Government President, Pedro Sánchez. In full protest atmosphere, a meeting will be held with the intention of demonstrating the good relationship between the two countries, and a Partnership and Cooperation Convention will be signed. However, nothing special is expected to be included in the content. The French Prime Minister, Emmanuel Macron, will take the floor and face to face with Sanchez for the creation of “greater police cooperation” in the steps between the two countries. According to the newspaper La Vanguardia, France would be prepared to open all the primary and secondary steps if the collaboration of the bilateral police services is strengthened. In particular, Macron suggests “the creation of mixed police units” and not only to strengthen the surveillance of the steps.
According to the Schengen agreement, the catwalks between the two countries cannot be closed, but France argues that it “promotes security”. This injustice has been publicly defended by France since 2016, following the attack in Nice. In addition to those addressed to the Spanish state, the catwalks to Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Belgium were hardened by the residents. The Covid-19 pandemic was the excuse and the situation has continued to this day. Although the Spanish Ministry of the Interior has not been in the mood of complaining to the four winds, it has frequently insisted that it is time to broaden the borders – also the President of Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa and the President of the Jean-Rene Etxegarai College have requested more than once the opening of the steps. The European Union can intervene more intensively, but it has not gone beyond verbal communications.
Protests in the context of the Summit
The Generalitat of Catalonia is caught amid the breakdown of the independence forces by the summit between France and Spain. The ERC joins the protest called against the meeting, but President Pere Aragonès will be in the official photo with Sánchez and Macron and the mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau, will come to the reception. The party ' s attitude has influenced and spread views contrary to the independence movement of the Catalan countries, as can be seen in the media. In addition, Junts demands explanations from Aragonese.
Migrante eta iheslari guztientzat bide seguruak eta erregulazioa eskatu dituzte Trintxerpe eta Donostia batu dituen Arrazakeriaren eta Xenofobiaren Aurkako 25. martxak.
Pairatu jazarpen hau dela eta, haien "harridura" eta "mina" nabarmendu dute Etorkinekin elkartasun sarekoek. Migratzaileak laguntzen segituko dutela argi utzi du Ipar Euskal Herriko kolektiboak.
Irun eta Hendaia arteko mugen hestearekin, Afrikatik heldu migranteentzat bereziki gaitz da mugaren zeharkatzea.