Former director of the Basque Coast music academy, Jean-Claude Dumas Biarritz, has been sentenced by the Bayona Correctional Court to 18 months in prison. There is also a ban on exercising as head and an obligation to compensate both victims with EUR 1,878 and EUR 600.
On 24 January he was tried before the Baiona Court. He was charged with sexual harassment for abuse of the authority he was charged with. Five wives, musicians between 18 and 47 years old, taken for these classes, were part of the civil conflict. The media reported that the whistle-blowers denounced the behaviour of the former director. For example, "kissing kisses," "obscene caresses," "bumps on thighs and buttocks."
The now punished Jean-Claude Dumas defended himself by denying facts which, in his view, were intended to "harm", as announced by the Kazeta media. Defense attorney Beatrize Blazy-Andrieu called for acquittal.
Zur eta lur hartu dituzte Nafarroako Berdintasun teknikariek festa girorako enpresa zenbaitek egindako proposamenak. Edalontzia estaltzeko tapak edo eta edarian drogarik dagoen ikusteko eskumuturrekoak.
With the words of poet Vicent Andrés Estellés, I am one among so many cases, and not an isolated, rare or extraordinary case. Unfortunately, no. Among so many, one. In particular, according to the Council of Europe, and among other major institutions such as Save The Children,... [+]
The case of Mazan is mentioned in the French media: a woman drowned with sleeping pills by her husband to put her between the legs of other men to be raped. That for ten years and three numbers: 92 violations (at least), 72 men and 51 trial violators. Gisèle Pélicot, 72, did... [+]
Ehun bat pertsona bildu ziren larunbatean Luhusoko plazan Itaia emazte antolakundeak eta Luhusoko besta komiteak jakinarazi duten bortxaketa salatzeko.