Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Biarritz airport has been depopulated and six others in France

  • For bomb alerts, seven airports have been evacuated by order of the French Government, including Biarritz.

18 October 2023 - 13:30
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The alert is due to an "abandoned suitcase" at Nice airport, and soon after the workers of Lille airport have received by email a "bomb threat", according to the radio France Info and received Eitb.

The French Government has "broadly" implemented the evacuation of airports. In addition to Nice and Lille, the airports of Lyon, Touluse, Beauvais and Nantes have been partly and completely dismissed.

The airport in Biarritz, according to Euskadi Irratia, has been a control mechanism without serious threats.

"Jihadist threat"

In recent days, these situations have multiplied in museums, stations and educational centers. On Monday a liceo of the city of Arras was emptied, on Tuesday the Palace of Versailles and on the weekend the Louvre Museum of Paris and the Gare de Lyon train station.

You are interested in the channel: Biarritz
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No Basque mark on the Biarritz audiovisual guides
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2023-11-10 | Euskal Irratiak
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2023-09-15 | ARGIA
Mintzalasai has prepared a programme to speak in Basque for a week in Baiona and Biarritz
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2023-07-13 | Euskal Irratiak
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2023-07-06 | Euskal Irratiak
Emazte laborariak argitan aurtengo Lurraman

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LGBTIfobos attacks on the pride march in Biarritz
The aggressors have thrown eggs on the organizers and there has been a continuous participant at the end of the demonstration. The Les Bascos association, organizer of the event, has launched a collection of testimonies.

Housing has been occupied in Biarritz to report that several owners are infringing the compensation measure
On Monday morning they entered the house and 24 Alda militants claimed indefinite occupation. It opposes the law that entered into force on 1 March 2023 and advocates the regularization of this housing.

2023-05-09 | Euskal Irratiak
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The former director of the Biarritz music academy is convicted of sexual harassment
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2022-12-07 | Euskal Irratiak
Jakes Abeberryri azken agurra eman diote Miarritzen

Maila politiko eta kulturalean, Ipar Euskal Herrian arrasto handia utzi duen gizon baten bizia omendu dute atzo Miarritzen. Jakes Abeberry 92 urterekin pausatu zen iragan ostegunean.

Jakes Abeberry dies, founder of the Enbata movement
At the age of 92, the sorcerer has borne his last fruit, leaving a great deal in the political, economic and cultural life of Iparralde. Jean-René Etxegarai, president of Euskal Hiria Elkargoa, has spread the news on social networks.

Eguneraketa berriak daude