The Brexit issue has highlighted the "profound democratic crisis" of the London Parliament and has shown that this Parliament does not respond to Scotland's interests. That's what Sturgeon thinks. The United Kingdom has ordered a new referendum in Scotland, because it believes that Brexit could harm Scotland if the United Kingdom leaves the European Union.
He also recalled that in the Brexit referendum, 62% of Scots voted in favour of staying in the European Union.
The first referendum on independence was held in 2014 in Scotland, and then the 'no' was imposed, but for a short time. In order to convene the second consultation, they need the authorisation of the London Government, but Sturgeon has warned that if the Scottish forces join in the United Kingdom there will be no government "that can prevent the holding of the referendum".
Time passes quickly, even more so after two years so slow and weird by the pandemic. The Scottish Prime Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, announced at the end of June his intention to conduct a further consultation on the country’s independence in October 2023, which leads us to... [+]
Independentziari buruzko bigarren erreferenduma 2023ko urriaren 19an egitea proposatu zuen Nicola Sturgeon Eskoziako lehen ministroak joan den astean. Ezezkoa erantzun dio Boris Johnson Erresuma Batuko lehen ministroak
Eskoziako Parlamentuan egindako hitz hartzean eman du horren berri Nicola Sturgeon Eskoziako Lehen ministroak. Aurkezpenean, kritikatu egin du Erresuma Batuko Gobernuak orain arte ukandako "blokeo jarrera".