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Two Estella neighbors are tried for a complaint by Vox

  • The two members of Estella have been charged with a crime of protest against fascists in the family sphere. On Wednesday, the day of the trial, the Socialist Council of Tierra Estella concentrated on the seat of the court in Estella. The fascists of Vox personaged themselves in the place with a provocative attitude, and were protected by the Civil Guard, according to the note.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 2.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

13 September 2024 - 07:47

Two neighbours of Lizarraga are charged with a crime of protest against the fascists of the Vox party in which they militate. Two years ago, in March 2022, Vox tried to install a propaganda post in Estella (Navarra). However, several neighbours faced them, and on the occasion of these events, the fascists brought a complaint to two people who were on the street. The events took place yesterday, 11 September, at Estella Examining Court No. 1.

Vox wanted to charge them a hate crime. However, in yesterday ' s trial, the magistrate considered with ideological aggravation the petitions for the imputation of a minor offence of coercion, a minor offence of injury and a minor offence of damage.

The Estella Socialist Earth Council convened a concentration at the seat of the Estella Examining Court No. 2. About a hundred people gathered to support the two defendants in the case investigating the case. The fascists in Vox were said to have been provocative, supported by the Civil Guard in the area.

The Socialist Council denounced the "suffocating police presence" in the court, as well as the police identifications for placing a banner on the spot.

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