Two occupational deaths have been recorded in the Basque Country since the beginning of its career. One on Monday in Tudela. A 26-year-old worker lost his life on the road, in itinere, according to the LAB union.
A 49-year-old forest worker died on Tuesday morning. The accident took place in the Urtsuaran district of Idiazabal, around 11:00 in the morning. The worker worked in a pine tree with a trunk transport machine and he fell a pine tree.
According to the LAB union count, last year six forestry workers died.
Following the same count, with these two deaths, 38 people died in Euskal Herria from work accidents since the beginning of the year.
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2024ko laneko ezbeharren txostena aurkeztu dute LAB • ESK • STEILAS • EHNE-etxalde eta HIRU sindikatuek aurtengo otsailean. Emaitza larriak bildu dituzte: geroz eta behargin gehiago hiltzen dira haien lanpostuetan.