The Mossos d'Esquadra have arrested two people in an operation against Islamist groups that was launched on 14 July. The operation, sponsored by the Court of Instruction No. 6 of the National Court, takes place in the district of Ciutat Vella, in Barcelona.
For the time being, the Generalitat Police has reported that records against alleged jihadists have begun at 06:00 hours and have stopped "the main objectives of the operation". The Mossos d'Esquadra will provide more information today morning.
Sources close to the investigation have informed the newspaper La Vanguardia that at least two homes have been registered in which about a hundred agents have participated.
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Urtarrilaren 20an Siriako Ipar eta Ekialdeko Autoadministrazioaren menpe dagoen Hasake hiriko espetxeari eraso diote auto suizidekin, milaka islamista askatzeko. YPGk kontrola berreskuratu arren, tiroketek jarraitzen dute, Daex-eko zenbait kide ezkutatu baita.
Jose Manuel Villarejo espainiar polizia ohiak adierazi ostean Espainiako inteligentzia zerbitzuek 2017ko atentatuak gerta zitezen utzi zutela, Kataluniako Gobernuak zer gertatu zen ikertzeko exijituko dio Espainiako Gobernuari. Halakorik egin ezean, auzia nazioarteko... [+]