Saturday was the match between Castile and Berango. After the 11-year-old suffered a racist insult, the whole team left the field in the 55th minute. According to the EITB, Oier Soriano, coach of the visiting team C of Berango, made the decision to leave the field in view of the "passive attitude of the judge". The judge stated that he had not heard anything in the record and that he was attending to another player at the time.
Soriano points out that the interview with Radio Euskadi has not been greatly affected by the apology requested by the relatives of the opponent, since the boy who suffered the insults is still depressed. The sports association Gaztelueta has made public that they "condemn any insult, discrimination or offensive attitude" on social networks.
Racist insults also at the highest regional level
One of the players from Otxarkoaga, who also received racist insults in the previous Otxarkoaga-Fuerro match, and the whole team decided to leave the field.
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