The General Secretariat of Penitentiary Institutions in Spain has announced the transfer of several Basque political prisoners following the dynamics of the week. Two Basque political prisoners will be transferred to prisons in the Basque Country and two to prisons near the Basque Country.
The move from Raúl Fuentes de El Dueso (Cantabria, 170 kilometers) to Martutene has been proposed by the Dueso Treatment Commission for the passage to the second grade.
Gaizka Astorkizaga, arrested in November 2020 and detained provisionally, will be transferred from Soto del Real (Madrid) to Basauri, where he is admitted.
Pedro Cano will be transferred from Castellón I (Catalan Countries, 575 kilometers) to Logroño (170km). On the proposal of the Prison Treatment Commission, it will also move from first grade to second grade.
Finally, Olga Comes, who is in the prison in Pamplona, has received the third grade.
On 25 March, the dispersal of Basque prisoners officially ended. According to the head of the El País line, "34 years later, the Spanish Ministry of the Interior has put an end to the dispersion of ETA prisoners". The Basque media also reported the date, while political parties... [+]
Etxarri Aranazko Jon Gurutz Maiza Artola preso politikoa Frantziako Estatuko Lannemezaneko espetxetik (Euskal Herritik 330 kilometrotara) Donostiako Martuteneko kartzelara hurbildu dute, Etxeratek zabaldu duenez.
Garazi Abrisketa (Zollo, 1988) eta Aitana Izagirre (Zollo, 1993) Mirentxin Gidariak ekimenaren parte izan dira eta euren esperientzia azaldu dute, baita taldearen disoluzioak utzi dien sentsazioa ere.