The groups that form the platform against BBVA and EH Al Capital Planto! The campaign members have concentrated this Monday morning in front of the courts in Bilbao. They wanted to show their solidarity with the two anti-militarist members who have been tried with the mobilization and have denounced the criminalization and repression of social mobilization and have once again censored the way in which BBVA derives benefits.
Continuing the initiative that has been carried out annually since 2008, in March 2019, before the BBVA Shareholders Board, the platform against BBVA and EH Planto al Capital! Several campaign members protested outside the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao. The participants in the action were packed with red paint with lots of 500 euros in banknotes. Purpose: Denounce BBVA’s investments in the armero sector and show that the bank’s profits are stained with blood and that the war begins in our country.
The Basque Government’s Department of Security has already condemned six people for the implementation of the Moorish Law, following the 2019 protest. The convicts and the organizers of the action resorted to fines, understanding that, as explained by the Bilbao Antimilitarist Group KEM-MOC, "protest and social mobilization are fundamental rights of citizenship" and that "acting against them through the Mordaza Law is an attack on concentration and freedom of expression, as well as demobilize the protest with fines". Two of the six convicted persons have been brought to justice on Monday morning, and according to the judgment, it will be decided whether the sentences imposed are suspended.
During the concentration, the spokespersons made the following statements: "BBVA remains the great honor of being in the top position of the Spanish banks that finance the war industry (...) As wars begin here, in our cities, financed by the banks with our money, we have to stay here. No mozalbet can shut us down.
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