The unions ELA and LAB have denounced the worsening situation of workers in the residences of Gipuzkoa in Gipuzkoa. As you have stressed, the call for a strike is nothing more than the continuation of the fighting process carried out by the workers. In fact, they have been calling for an improvement in their working conditions for three years. In order to provide an immediate solution to this serious situation, they have called for another two days of strike in the Basque Country. The stops will be held on 23 and 24 September. “We appeal to participate in the mobilisations and initiatives that have been organised for these days. If we want to reverse the situation, the involvement of all and all will be essential.”
In addition to residential workers, they have also reported that residents who are receiving care "are suffering the consequences of a precarious situation". They emphasized that, with better conditions for workers, the service "would gain in quality", so they have called to participate in the mobilizations that take place during these two days of strike.
LAB says that the situation, which was previously severe in most residences in Gipuzkoa, has become "unsustainable" due to the health emergency. “The overload of work and the lack of time to provide the care that residents need, the wage gaps at the same headquarters or perform the same work among workers in the sector, the continuous changes in calendars, the difficulties to enjoy holiday days, the lack of stability of jobs or unjustified layoffs… are a clear example of a violation of workers’ rights”.
She stressed that the current situation in nursing homes is the result of "privatization of public services, job insecurity and social and economic disrecognition of the feminized sectors", and advocated "publication". They say that it is time to "reactivate" the negotiation of the workers' agreement in the residences of Gipuzkoa and to "unblock" the conflict.
ELA has also denounced that the Member continues to deny the demands of workers in the sector. “It is unthinkable and unacceptable for a democratic government to refuse to meet workers in conflict, even more so when they offer such a basic service.” Meanwhile, the situation of workers and residences is “increasingly serious”, “due to lack of approved staff and unbearable workloads”.
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