Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

"We knew we were going to go out in two baflas, but not how they were going to be."

  • On 7 July 1985, two Basque prisoners managed to escape from Martutene prison in Donostia-San Sebastián. The concert of Imanol Lartzabal inside the prison, and the two bafles that served for the function were those in charge of escape, the iurretarra Joseba Sarrionandia and the oreretarra Iñaki Pikabea Piti. It's been 36 years since then. Piti was arrested again and imprisoned and, in total, released in 2000, after having served 19 years in prison. The oreretarra has turned its eyes back to speak of the famous escape of 36 years ago that occurred in Orio.

09 July 2021 - 10:36
Last updated: 12:41
Argazkia: Oarsoaldeko Hitza
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Yesterday it was 36 years since he escaped from Martutene prison with Joseba Sarrionandia Zaitegi. How do you remember that day?

Like a big, beautiful, global thing. It is a pity that there has been no more. I have a good memory. I've already forgotten a bit. Yesterday, when I was with a Navarro friend, he asked me ‘what day is it today?’ and then I realized it was the anniversary of the flight, unfortunately. I picked up the phone and called Sarri -- Joseba Sarrionandia -- he didn't pick it up first and he gave me the call back. He had forgotten the day as well.

After more than three decades in exile, this year Sarrionandia has returned to the Basque Country. Could he be with him?

Two or three years ago I was in Cuba and there the last time I physically saw her. We've been talking on the phone since it came later. All of a sudden, we'll have to do a meal or something. It's just coming and it's still going to take a while, I imagine you're looking at any corner and getting to know the village again.

On more than one occasion he said that he touched him, that he took the draw and touched you. What did it mean when they told you ‘you’re going out’?

That was for the time being, and at first I was surprised.

Did you feel afraid?

We didn't know how it was going to be. We knew we were going to go out in two baffles, but we didn't know how they were going to be, the size, how we were supposed to get in, until we saw the worry. Once I saw it, I thought: “Do we have to get in there?” From there he starts to think about how he is going to come out, how he is going to be… Of course, once inside the bafles, from there we no longer saw anything, we held our ears and listened. That nervousness, that ignorance, was just the ear. I remember when the camper came for the concert there were two bafles and a guitar, and I guess we got pulled out the same way, but we didn't see anything. We even heard the door open inside the van to look, so we spent several doors, and we finally realized that we were already out, that we had left jail.

What was the hardest thing once he got out?

The hardest thing was not to know how long we would be, we weren't very tight, but we weren't completely calm either. We took him in the quietest possible way, we talked, we read, we saw television, we were in hiding teaching the baby at home on foot… It was a concern until when, we were used to being locked in jail, but it is different, there are some routines there.

The leak has another anecdote. Your brother came to Martutene's jail fleeing from you in search of your things. Isn't it?

It takes courage to do it, and my brother did it. He left, he left...

The flight of you and Sarrionandia inspired you a song. Many times different generations have danced, and today they continue to dance. What do you feel when you listen to it?

It's a maroon song, and people dance jumps. Fermin Muguruza picked up a melody that already existed and then adapted the lyrics to count ours. It's pretty. He reports the leak in a humorous way.

The getaway was held in Euskal Herria.

Imagine, I want to believe that I would be the most human being.

Did you have the opportunity to hear the concert by Imanol Lartzabal before the getaway or in other works?

Yes, we heard it. I remember that there was a social prisoner in Errenteria and that we had to get close and stay alone to make the getaway. We managed to leave.

What did you think about when you entered the Bafles?

I don't think I thought too much. Is it scheduled if it comes out, but if it doesn't come out? I also thought about that. I also thought about what would happen if I went out. On the other hand, very carefully, we were in Ipar Euskal Herria, we did not move from the houses, we moved alone, we could not explain in front of anyone.

His escape lasted just two years. You were arrested in 1987. Did you get more controls after the getaway?

Indeed, I was arrested at the age of two. I was incarcerated in the French state and there was another system. I did not realize that they had made special control of me, it was similar to that of other Basque political prisoners.

He served a total of nineteen years in prison. What would I highlight?

I don't want anyone in jail. I would highlight the harshness, the emergency measures imposed on Basque political prisoners, the distancing… The anguish. Of course, in Herrera de La Mancha, there were us, others in the Port of Santa Maria. Very rigid regime. In Martutene there was another openness, but I do not want to make comparisons, much less between prisons, because prison is a prison and it has always been for us very rigid, very narrow, very rigorous. At the time we were in Soria, we had a whole company to take care of us; they were gray. We were asked to find out. Very hard.

It was worth evasion.

Of course, no doubt. The pity is that others have not gone well, such as Soria’s. He always deserves it. The greatest pity was that it did not leave Burgos, after so many works, how not? That's right. Now, let's see if you take the steps as soon as possible. They have approached them, there are no longer Basque political prisoners in Andalusian jails and if anything is, but it goes very slowly. It takes time, everybody should be on the street right now, but it takes time. On the other hand, there is no room for ex-prisoners who have been detained by case 13/13 or organization of detention of prisoners. I believe that society should activate the knot of prisoners, more than there is, more for the rights of prisoners.

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