Of the twelve cantons of Ipar Euskal Herria, seven have been the Abertzales in the second round and only Hendaia, Urruña, Biriatu, in the Basque Coast have been winners, although in all they have added more votes than in the first round. The canton that won the Abertzale for the second time Alain Iriart six years ago in the capital city has not been held in its hands this time by EH Bai: Maider Behotegi and Marc Saint-Esteven, from the Basque centre-right, have been the winners with 60.66% of the votes. Overall, EH Bai has positively assessed the results obtained: "It's the result of a collective work done for long years."
Once again, a team from the right and the centre-right has proclaimed victory at the departmental level in Zuberoa, Baja Navarra and Lapurdi. There will be 22 of the 24 members of Ipar Euskal Herria, after losing the six seats held by the Socialists in the last legislature and when the only representation of the left is that of the nationalists. Of the 54 elected positions in Pau, 38 are from the Forces 64, consisting of the right and the centre-right. The most important defeat of the Socialist Party was that of Baiona 3, as opposition leader Henri Etcheto lost the second round he completed with Florence Dupreuilhenki by 29 votes. However, the current head of the department, Jean-Jacques Lasserre, has easily won in the canton of Bidaxune-Amikuze-Oztibarre, along with Anne Marie Bruthe, with 63.49% of the votes, against Emilie Dubois and Xabi Larralde of EH Bai, with 2,659 votes. In this way, except surprisingly, he will be added to his term as President of the Generalitat for the third time.
Although the turnout was slightly higher than that of the first round, the abstention was also the great winner in the second round: Participation has been 40.13 per cent throughout the Foral Community.
Bagira prozesuaren emaitza, Herri bidea bide-orria izan zen. Bide-orri honetan, abertzaleen helburua herriari boterea itzultzea dela aipatzen da, eta boterea itzultzeko, herriari burujabetza maila maximoa emanen dioten instituzioak herriari eskaintzea adierazten da. Zehazten da... [+]
Who could expect EH candidate Bai, Peio Dufau – who is replacing Marie Heguy-Urain – to be a Member by 2024? The campaign and strategy against the extreme right have worked. Ipar Euskal Herria will not send any fascist to the French National Assembly. How long will the... [+]
At the level of the French State, equally or even stronger, the people have stood up to the far-right. In Ipar Euskal Herria, a wall has been imposed on homophobic and racist discourses. "We have denied the far right to dance," said the members of the left-wing coalition Frente... [+]
Bigarrenetik seigarren postura erori da Berdeen alderdia Ipar Euskal Herrian, Europar legebiltzarreko hauteskundeetan. 2019ko hauteskundeen datuekin alderatuta, 10.000 boz galdu dituzte; hots, %17tik %7ra pasa dira.
Jean René Etxegaraik Peio Etxeleku baztertu du Errobi lurraldeko arduretatik. Etxeleku Kanboko hautetsia eta EAJren Ipar Buru Batzarreko lehendakaria da. Joan den astean Hirigune Elkargoko buruak jakinarazi zuen poloko hamaika auzapezetatik seik galdegin ziotela... [+]
Mende erdia bete da Enbata legez kanpo ezarri zutenetik. Frantziako gobernuak Enbatak Hego Euskal Herriko ETA erakunde armatuarekin zuen balizko lotura ezarri zuen estakuru bezala. Horren ondorioz,Ipar Euskal Herriko lehen mugimendu abertzalearen azken kideak HAS Herriko Alderdi... [+]